
We are here to help.

Please email with detailed information about your issue. If you are a new customer please also provide your contact information so we can better reach out to you and resolve the issue. Once you have submitted the ticket please call 1(800) 835-3224 so we can start on the issue immediately. Click here to access our support instructions

Internet or email not working?

If your email is the problem or your internet is down please call 1(800) 835-3224 sending an email to with your internet not working will likely lead to your email not going through.

Need access to the support portal?

Simple click here you will be redirected to our ConnectWise Automate support portal to access tickets, reports, and other vital information about your network.

Enter your support request here.

Simply fill out the form below and your issue will be submitted to our to our support ticket system. If the issue is an emergency please call 1(800) 835-3224 to speak to someone immediately. 

    If you have a question please feel free to check out our knowledge base to find tutorials and how to’s to our most frequently asked questions.


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    Cepheus Solutions

    Creating, consulting, managing, and maintaining.
    We have the services available to help your company succeed.
    We are the last technology company you will ever need.


    If you wish to receive our latest news in your email box, just subscribe to our newsletter. We won’t spam you, we promise!

    Cepheus Solutions

    Creating, consulting, managing, and maintaining.
    We have the services available to help your company succeed.
    We are the last technology company you will ever need.

    Copyright by CEPHEUS SOLUTIONS. All rights reserved.