How does an administrator reactivate Duo Push authentication for their device?

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How does an administrator reactivate Duo Push authentication for their device?

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Note: The following process is specific to Duo administrators who wish to use push notifications when accessing the Duo Admin Panel. If you are looking for information on reactivating your end-user account for logging in to protected applications, please see: How can a user reactivate Duo Mobile on their device?

Re-enabling Duo Push is an easy way to quickly resolve many Duo administrator push notification delivery issues. These issues can be caused by several processes, including re-installing Duo Mobile and clearing the cache on a mobile device. Instructions for activating Duo Push for the first time are available here.

To re-enable Duo Push:

  1. Make sure the Duo Mobile app is installed on your mobile device.
  2. Log in to the Duo Admin Panel using phone callback or SMS as your second factor.
    • If you are an admin on an MSP or other parent account, ensure that you are logged into your parent account and not a child account.
  3. In the upper right corner of the page, c​lick your name and select Edit Profile.
  4. Scroll down to the Secondary Authentication section and click the “Reactivate” link next to Duo Push to display a barcode.
    User-added image
  5. If reactivating via barcode in the Admin Panel, open Duo Mobile on your device. Tap the plus sign + to add a new account.
  6. Tap Use QR code from the Add account list.
    • Note: If you are reactivating Duo Mobile on a new device, you may need to grant Duo Mobile access to your Camera app in order to scan the barcode.
  7. Scan the barcode displayed on your computer screen.
    • If you are unable to scan the QR code you can email yourself the activation link.
  8. Give the new account a name and click Save to complete adding it to Duo Mobile.

If you are unable to access the Duo Admin Panel yourself due to restricted authentication methods, an administrator with the Owner role can assist with reactivating Duo Mobile. The Owner administrator should:

  1. Log in to the Duo Admin Panel.
  2. Click the Administrators tab.
  3. Choose the administrator who needs to reactivate Duo Push.
  4. Scroll to the Secondary authentication section.
  5. Click the Reactivate link.
  6. Clicking this link will display a QR code for activation. Alternatively, there is an option to email a QR code.

If you are reactivating a device that is shared with another Duo administrator on your account, please see this article.

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